In this step-by-step guide, we will see how you can manage and reply to customer questions in the Happy WooCommerce FAQs plugin.
Step 1: Admin must ensure that their free version of the Happy WooCommerce FAQs plugin uses at least version 1.8.0
Step 2: Admin needs to enable customer questions from the settings page.
Step 3: Admin can put a customer questions section in any post or page by using this Shortcode, [ffw_customer_question_form].
We have used it on a single product page inside the Product Short Description field.
Step 4: Customers will be able to see the “Ask a question” button on the product page like below.
Step 5: Customers can also fill out the customer questions form and send Admin their questions from different pages including the Product Page. They can ask questions from any page or post where FAQs are present. Like we did below.
Customers Filling Up the Question Form
Step 6: After your customer asks you a question through the customer question form, the admin will get an email notification and also an email with the question asked. Like below.
Email Notification to Customer:
Email with the question to Admin:
Step 7: Admin will be able to see all of their customer questions including the one we just added above, in a table list form Happy FAQs > Customer Questions. Like below.
Step 8: Admin can reply to the questions asked by their customer by clicking on the reply button and answering through the form. Like below.
Step 9: Customer will get an email with their customer’s question and the answer the Admin sent to them. Like below.